Mindfulness-Based Therapy, What is it and What are the Benefits?

In the busyness of motherhood, balancing various responsibilities and navigating the challenges of daily life, you may often find yourself struggling with overwhelming feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. Practicing mindfulness-based therapy can be a helpful approach in navigating these emotional challenges. In this blog post, we will explore what mindfulness-based therapy is, its benefits for those struggling with depression and anxiety, and three examples of mindfulness strategies.

What is Mindfulness-Based Therapy?

Mindfulness-based therapy is an evidence-based approach that integrates principles of mindfulness into traditional therapeutic techniques. It draws inspiration from mindfulness meditation practices rooted in ancient Eastern traditions. The core of mindfulness is to cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, be in the here and now, helping individuals become more aware to their thoughts and emotions, and find ways to accept and validate their thoughts and feelings.

Benefits for Moms Struggling with Depression and Anxiety:

1. Stress Reduction:

   - Mindfulness-based therapy empowers you to engage with the present moment, reducing the mental clutter that often contributes to stress.

   - By fostering awareness of your thoughts and emotions, you can develop healthier coping mechanisms for stressors.

2. Emotional Regulation:

   - Mindfulness encourages a compassionate and non-reactive approach to emotions.

   - You can learn to observe your feelings without judgment, leading to better emotional regulation and decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression.

3. Improved Parent-Child Relationships:

   - Mindfulness practices can enhance the quality of parent-child interactions.

   - Moms who practice mindfulness report feeling more present and attuned to their children, fostering a deeper connection.

Treatment Approach of Mindfulness-Based Therapy:

Mindfulness-based therapy typically follows a structured approach, incorporating mindfulness practices into traditional therapeutic modalities. Here's a brief overview:

1. Mindful Awareness:

   - Clients are guided to develop awareness of their thoughts and emotions without attachment or judgment.

   - Mindfulness teaches them to observe their internal experiences with curiosity and acceptance.

2. Mindful Breathing and Body Awareness:

   - Focus is placed on the breath and bodily sensations to ground clients in the present moment.

   - This practice helps alleviate anxiety by redirecting attention from future concerns to the immediate sensations of the body.

3. Mindful Acceptance:

   - Clients are encouraged to accept their thoughts and feelings without attempting to change or suppress them.

   - This acceptance-oriented approach fosters self-compassion and reduces the emotional struggle against distressing thoughts.

Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Moms:

1. Body Scan Meditation:

   - Clients are guided through a systematic exploration of bodily sensations. Here is an example of a Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise.

   - This intervention promotes relaxation and increased awareness of physical tension, providing a helpful tool for stress reduction.

2. Loving-Kindness Meditation:

   - Clients cultivate feelings of compassion and love towards themselves and others.

   - This intervention enhances positive emotions and can be particularly beneficial for moms dealing with self-critical thoughts.

3. Mindful Parenting Practices:

   - Develop ways to integrate mindfulness into parenting routines.

   - Simple activities like mindful listening, observing without judgment, and being fully present during interactions with their children contribute to a more mindful approach to parenting.

Mindfulness-based therapy offers benefits for clients navigating the challenges of depression and anxiety. By engaging with the present moment with an open heart and non-judgmental awareness, clients can cultivate resilience and find a sense of peace amid the chaos. As a therapist, I encourage moms to explore mindfulness-based interventions as a helpful treatment approach. 

I specialize in perinatal mental health helping women and their families from pregnancy, birth, through postpartum. I am a caring, warm, compassionate therapist with a direct, yet gentle approach. If you would like to learn more about me and my work with moms click here

I provide online therapy with the ability to meet you anywhere. No need to find childcare or the extra time needed to get to and from an office.

with care,


About the author

Alison Hartman, LMFT is a licensed therapist in Colorado and Texas. Offering therapy to women and teen girls helping them find relief, hope, and balance in their lives. She has been working with moms, adolescents, and families for the past 11 years helping them to build healthy, resilient families. She specializes in perinatal mental health and teen girl depression and anxiety. Reach out today to learn more